
Form, used to submit the user entry textarea, switch, input, checkbox-group, slider, radio-group, picker and other components in the component.
Clicking the button component with “form” form and “form-type” as “submit” causes submission of the “value” value in the form component. It is required to add “name” in the form component as the key.

Attribute NameTypeDefaultDescriptionMinimum Version
onSubmitEventHandlecarrying data in form triggers submit event, event.detail = {value : {'name': 'dao14'}, buttonTarget: {'dataset': 'buttonDataset'} }
onResetEventHandletrigger reset event upon form reset



Sample Code

<form onSubmit="formSubmit" onReset="formReset">
  <view class="section section_gap">
    <view class="section__title">switch</view>
    <switch name="switch"/>
  <view class="section section_gap">
    <view class="section__title">slider</view>
    <slider name="slider" show-value ></slider>
  <view class="section">
    <view class="section__title">input</view>
    <input name="input" placeholder="please input here" />
  <view class="section section_gap">
    <view class="section__title">radio</view>
    <radio-group name="radio-group">
      <label><radio value="radio1"/>radio1</label>
      <label><radio value="radio2"/>radio2</label>
  <view class="section section_gap">
    <view class="section__title">checkbox</view>
    <checkbox-group name="checkbox">
      <label><checkbox value="checkbox1"/>checkbox1</label>
      <label><checkbox value="checkbox2"/>checkbox2</label>
  <view class="btn-area">
    <button formType="submit">Submit</button>
    <button formType="reset">Reset</button>
  formSubmit: function(e) {
    console.log('form has a submit event, carrying data ', e.detail.value)
  formReset: function() {
    console.log('form has a reset event')