POST /v1/authorizations/prepare
The prepare
API is used to prepare a contract at wallet.
Note: A contract which takes place at wallet.
1) merchant/partner initiates prepare request to wallet through Prepare Interface.
2) Wallet will handle different contract scenarios base on the parameters in request.
Currently, prepare API supports following scenarios:
- Auto Debit: In this scenario, merchant/partner will call this prepare API to prepare contract, and wallet will return authorization URL to merchant/partner, and then redirect to this authorization page. So user can agree to authorize.
Message structure
Property | Data type | Required | Description |
authClientId | String | Yes | client Id issued by TNGD Max. length: 128 characters. |
partnerReqId | String | Yes | unique identifier of the prepare request provided by client Max. length: 128 characters. |
partnerId | String | Yes | partner Id, to be provided by TNGD as part of onboarding process Max. length: 32 characters. |
authClientDisplayName | String | Yes | Authorization page partner's display name Max. length: 128 characters. |
authRedirectUrl | String | Yes | Partner's redirection callback URL Max. length: 1024 characters. |
authLogoUrl | String | Yes | Partner's offical logo to display on the auth page Max. length: 1024 characters. |
scope | Array | Yes | List of scopes to be requested for authentication request. Available scope: AGREEMENT_PAY Max. length: 255 characters. |
authState | String | Yes | An arbitrary string value will be pass back to partner, useful for CSRF protection. It suppose to be an unique and non-guessable value associated with each authentication request about to be initiated to avoid CSRF attacks Max. length: 128 characters. |
extendInfo | String | No | extended information Max. length: 1024 characters. |
envInfo | EnvInfo | No | EnvInfo |
Property | Data type | Required | Description |
authId | String | Yes | authorization request unique identifier |
authURL | String | Yes | Redirect URL for partners to redirect to TnG eWallet for user to complete the authorization flow |
authClientId | String | Yes | client Id issued by TNGD |
Result process logic
For different request results, different actions are to be performed. See the following list for details:
- If the value of result.resultStatus is S , the authorization url application request is successful. The merchant can use the authorization url to sign contract.
- If the value of result.resultStatus is F or U , AuthClient may guide user to try again.
resultStatus | resultCode | resultMessage |
S | SUCCESS | Success. |
U | UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION | An API calling is failed, which is caused by unknown reasons. |
U | REQUEST_TRAFFIC_EXCEED_LIMIT | The request traffic exceeds the limit. |
F | PROCESS_FAIL | A general business failure occurred. Don't retry. |
F | PARAM_ILLEGAL | Illegal parameters exist. For example, a non-numeric input, or an invalid date. |
F | ACCESS_DENIED | The access is denied. |
F | INVALID_API | The called API is invalid or not active. |
F | INVALID_SCOPE | Requested scope is invalid |
F | INVALID_CLIENT | Client verification failed |
F | INVALID_REDIRECT_URL | Invalid format/pattern of redirect url |
The authorization token application is used to exchange the access token based on the auth code after obtaining the auth code.
- Firstly the Mini Program bind account for user (Step 1).
- The merchant server calls /v1/authorizations/prepare interface to initiate binding flow (Step 2).
- E-wallet server returns auth url to the merchant server (Step 3).
- The merchant server has to pass through the auth url to the Mini Program (step 4).
- The Mini Program calls my.tngdSignContract interface to obtain the authorization code from e-wallet. (Step 5)
- E-wallet returns the authorization code to the Mini Program (Step 11)
- The Mini Program sends authorization code to the merchant server (Step 12)
- The merchant server calls /v1/authorizations/applyToken interface to obtain the access token from e-wallet server and e-wallet server returns the access token and customer ID to the merchant server (Step 13 and Step 15).
"authClientId": "2018103116394800000000",
"partnerReqId": "663A8FA9-D836-48EE-8AA1-1FF682989DC7",
"partnerId": "217120000003677100000",
"authClientDisplayName": "BEST WESTERN I-CITY (LOBBY)",
"authRedirectUrl": "https://merchant.prepare.redirect.url",
"authLogoUrl": "https://seeklogo.com/images/merchantlogo.png",
"scope": [
"authState": "202107191152037654567891",
"extendInfo": " {\"externalUserId\":\"XXXXXXXX\",\"externalUserMobile\":\"XXXXXXXX\"}",
"envInfo": {
"terminalType": "SYSTEM",
"orderTerminalType": "MINI_APP"
"authClientId": "2018103116394800000000",
"authId": "202208261112068001000655600000272",
"authURL": "https://m-sd.tngdigital.com.my/s/oauth2/index.html#/authorise?authClientId=305XST2CSG0N4P05595&authSign=somesignature&authId=202208261112068001000655600000272",
"result": {
"resultCode": "SUCCESS",
"resultMessage": "Success.",
"resultStatus": "S"