POST /v1/payments/notifyPayment
The notifyPayment
API is used to notify payment result to merchant/partner.
1) to notify merchant/partner the payment result when payment processing reaches the final state (Success/Fail).
2) Not all scenario merchant/partner need receive this notify. Such as sync payment scenario(B Scan C, Agreement Pay).
Message structure
Property | Data type | Required | Description |
paymentId | String (64) | Yes | The unqiue ID of a payment generated by Wallet. |
paymentRequestId | String (64) | Yes | The unqiue ID of a payment generated by Wallet merchants. |
paymentAmount | Amount | Yes | Order amount for display of user consumption records, payment results page. |
paymentTime | String/Datetime | No | Payment success time, which follows the ISO 8601 standard. |
paymentResult | JSON | Yes | resultStauts:
paymentFailReason | String (256) | No | The fail reason of payment order when paymentStatus is FAIL. |
extendInfo | String (4096) | No | The extend information,wallet and merchant can put extend info here. |
Property | Data type | Required | Description |
result | Yes | The request result, which contains information related to the request result, such as status and error codes. |
Result Process Logic
- If result.resultStatus == S, Means the merchant/partner already received this notification.
- If result.resultStatus == F, it means merchant/partner handle this notification failed.
- If result.resultStatus==U, it means merchant/partner handle this notification occur unknown exception, wallet will retry if get U response.
- If other response (almost never occur),wallet will process like U.
No | resultStatus | resultCode | resultMessage |
1 | S | SUCCESS | Success. |
2 | U | UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION | An API calling is failed, which is caused by unknown reasons. |
3 | U | REQUEST_TRAFFIC_EXCEED_LIMIT | The request traffic exceeds the limit. |
4 | F | REPEAT_REQ_INCONSISTENT | Repeated submit, and requests are inconsistent. |
5 | F | PROCESS_FAIL | A general business failure occurred. Don't retry. |
6 | F | INVALID_API | The called API is invalid or not active. |
7 | F | PARAM_ILLEGAL | Illegal parameters. For example, non-numeric input, invalid date. |

- The Mini Program calls my.tradePay interface to do payment (Step 1).
- E-wallet App returns payment result to the Mini Program (Step 5).
- E-wallet notifies the payment result with paymentNotifyUrl provided by merchant (Step 4).
For example, a wallet user purchases a 10000 MYR merchandise at a merchant/partner, after user finished payment in wallet cashier page, wallet will send payment notification to merchant/partner.
A. Request sample with payment success
"paymentResult": {
"resultStatus": "S",
"resultCode": "SUCCESS",
"resultMessage": "success"
"paymentId": "20210726111212800110171163001220213",
"paymentRequestId": "6-20210714041658535w",
"customerId": "1000000839990000",
"paymentTime": "2021-07-26T12:13:50+08:00",
"paymentAmount": {
"currency": "MYR",
"value": "10000"
- paymentId is generated by Wallet, uniquely identifies the payment.
- paymentRequestId is generated by merchant/partner, uniquely identifies this payment. In payment notify request, paymentRequestId should be the paymentRequestId in origin payment request.
- paymentAmount describes the amount of 10000 MYR already collected by Wallet from user account for this payment.
- paymentTime is the success date time of this transaction.
- paymentResult is the payment status in wallet. resultStatus "S" means transaction already success.
B. Request sample with payment failed
"paymentResult": {
"resultStatus": "F",
"resultCode": "ORDER_IS_CLOSED",
"resultMessage": "ORDER_IS_CLOSED"
"paymentId": "20210722111212800110171936301182782",
"paymentRequestId": "6-20210722010156790E",
"customerId": "216810000000000090000"
- paymentResult is the payment status in wallet. resultStatus "F" means this transaction already failed, usually payment fail are because of this payment already expired .
- paymentFailReason used to fill the payment fail reason, only payment status is FAIL will return this parameter.
"result": {
- result.resultStatus==S shows that merchant/partner already received this notification.