
Development of an Mini Program generally goes through the following steps:

  1. Prepare
  1. Code
  1. Debug
  1. Test
  1. Submit
  1. Evaluation version test
  1. Submit for approval
  1. List

After the RD and test locally, the next step is to submit to the open platform and proceed with the subsequential operation.

In the Mini Program developer tool, the one-key upload function is provided:


Before uploading, pay attention to the following points:

  1. Firstly, you need to associate the project to a created Mini Program.
  1. Online version or current uploaded version: For easy management, each upload has an incremental version. You can define your own versioning rule.

Next, click Upload. The Volume testing will be done. If it is above the volume limit, a prompt will be displayed.

After uploading, go to the open platform for the next step.