Getting Started for Merchant On-Boarding

You can get to how the merchant/ISV completes the onboarding process in the wallet workspace.


The merchant must become a partner of the wallet first. After that, the merchant contacts the wallet for the mini program platform address and starts to sign up. For more information about the signing up process, see Apply for an Account.


To create a new workspace, the merchant/ISV completes the following steps.

1. Create your workspace

Use your account to sign into the wallet's mini program platform and start to create your workspace.

Getting Started for Merchant On-Boarding

2. Fill in required information

Fill in the required information, then click Apply to Create.



  • The Workspace intended to join field is the name of the wallet workspace that you intend to join. Generally you create your workspace on the mini program platform of one specific wallet, so this field is not required.
  • The Workspace Name field is the name of your workspace.
  • The Business Type field is the mode of developing mini programs. Two types are supported:
    • Self-developed services: The merchant has the development capabilities and develops mini programs independently.
    • Provide Third-party services: The ISV that is authorized by the merchant helps to develop mini programs. For this type, the Merchant ID field is required.

3. Apply for the approval

After you submit the application, the workspace admin is reviewing and processing your application request. When the application is approved, you will receive a notification email.


Now your onboarding process is finished. You can start with your workspace.

More Information

About Mini Program

Developing Mini Program

Using Mini Program Platform